Akpabuyo LGA Postal Code (Zip Code) – Cross River

Akpabuyo Local Government Area (LGA) is one of the administrative regions within Cross River State, Nigeria. Known for its rich cultural heritage, agricultural productivity, and vibrant communities, Akpabuyo LGA plays a pivotal role in the socio-economic landscape of the state. The LGA has several districts which all have different postal codes.

As with any region, effective postal services are crucial for facilitating communication, commerce, and efficient administrative operations. Postal codes, in particular, are an essential element of this system, ensuring that mail and packages are accurately sorted and delivered to their intended destinations.

In this comprehensive article, we delve into the postal codes specific to Akpabuyo LGA, providing valuable information for residents, businesses, and postal service providers. Understanding the correct postal codes not only aids in efficient mail delivery but also supports various logistical and administrative functions, contributing to the overall development and connectivity of Akpabuyo LGA within Cross River State.

See difference between Postal code and Zip code HERE.

Below are all the postal codes for Apabuyo LGA:

Atimbo East

LocationPostal Code
Anwa Enang-Edem541104
Ikot Asuquo-Ukut541104
Ikot Edem-Ndarake541104
Ikot Efefiong541104
Ikot Efio Ayarare541104
Edik Ekpen Eyo541104
Ikot Efio Enang541104
Ikot Ekanaem-Nya541104
Ikot Ekpo Ene541104
Ekpeme Ikot Ekpse541104
Ikot Ekpri541104
Ekpeme Ikot Umo541104
Ikot Ewa Effiom541104
Ekpene Tete541104
Ikot Eyo Abia541104
Ekpri Ikot541104
Ikot Offiong-Ambai541104
Ikot Ofiong Owo541104
Ikot Uba541104
Ikot Abasi-Archibong541104
Ikot Anasa Edet541104
Ikot Asuquo-Edem541104
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Atimbo West

LocationPostal Code
Ikot Mkpe Efiom541103
Ikot Ndarake541103
Ikot Okon Eniang541103
Ikot Okpo Ene541103
Ikot Oyom541103
Itu Ikot-Efanga541103
Mbanyok Ikot-Efanga541103
Okon Etim541103
Eto Mkpe Yellow541103
Oton Kwo541103
Eto Mkpe-Edem541103
Urua Ndung-Ikot-Efanga541103
Etok Ukana Ikot-Efanga541103
Iko Ekpo-Ase541103
Ikot Akwa-Umo541103
Ikot Efio Okon541103
Ikot Efiong541103
Atim Asan541103
Edet Nsa541103
Esit Ikot Inameti541103
Esit Ikot-Effanga541103
Ete Oyo541103
Eto Mkpa-Archigong541103
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Ikang North

LocationPostal Code
Abakpa Efio Ase541113
Abakpa Ikot-Nkok541113
Akpap Okon-Ekpriwong541113
Edik Okon Idem541113
Esuk Okon541113
Esuke Aye541113
Ifiong Nsung541113
Ikot Edem Oku541113
Ikot Eso Odiong Ene541113
Ikot Iwang Okpo541113
Ikot Otu541113
Ofiong Edem Inyang541113
Osuk Okon541113
Usung Esuk-Efio-Obori541113
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Ikang South

LocationPostal Code
Ikot Abasi Ene-Esighi541115
Ikot Antigha Ene541115
Ikot Ene Uyi Esighi541115
Ikot Enene Esighi541115
Ikot Ikot Antighi541115
Ikot Inyang Nsidung541115
Ikot Mkpang Esighi541115
Nyom Idibi Nsidung541115
Usung Idim Ikot-Antigho541115
AkwaObio Inwang Nsidung541115
Efute Abua Esighi541115
Ekpene Esuk Esighi541115
Esit Ikot Nsa Ewa541115
Idua Inwang Esighi541115
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Ikang Central

LocationPostal Code
Akwa Obutong541114
Edik Idim Ikot541114
Ekpri Ikang541114
Ikang Efio Ekpe541114
Ikang Town541114
Ine Akpa Ikang541114
Ine Effiong541114
Ine Ibot Owong541114
Ine Ikong Efanga541114
Ine Nkene Okure I541114
Ine Nkene Okure II541114
Ine Nkoi541114
Ine Ukpono541114
Ine Utan541114
Ine Utan Asukwo541114
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Ikot Edem Odo

LocationPostal Code
Usung Idim541105
Ikot Okan Okpo541105
Ikot Okodiong541105
Ikot Onono Iba541105
Ikot Oyo541105
Ikut Nkok Anie541105
Nkakat Efiong Essien541105
Akwa Esuk Iyamba541105
Ikot Akpa541105
Ikot Edem Odo541105
Ekakat Iyamba541105
Ikot Edet541105
Ekpene Ikot Edet-Nsa541105
Ikot Efion Eniang541105
Ekpene Ikot-Okon541105
Ikot Ekong541105
Ekpri Ikot Ene541105
Ikot Ekpo541105
Ekpri Ikot Umo541105
Ikot Ekpo Udo541105
Ekpri Nsidung541105
Ikot Obo541105
Ikot Oboko541105
Esiene Ufot-Iyanba541105
Esuk Mba541105
Esuk Mbat Efio-Edem Efa541105
Esuk Mbat Umo Edem541105
Esuk Mbat-Efio Urua541105
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Ikot Nakanda

LocationPostal Code
Abakot Eneyo541111
Ikot Etim Inyang541111
Abakpa Etim Ene541111
Ikot Inynag Eneyo541111
Akwa Obio-Inwang-Eneyo541111
Ikot Man Du Eneyo541111
Ikot Mbakara Eneyo541111
Ebisa Eneyo541111
Ikot Out Abasi541111
Edem Esa Abakot541111
Ikot Uduak Edem541111
Efe Efik Imaha541111
Ikot Umo Edem541111
Ekpri Ikot Eyo-Edem541111
Esuk Efiom Ikara541111
Esuk Ewa541111
Ikot Adiaha Eneyo541111
Ikot Asuquo-Efiong-Anye541111
Ikot Edem Ita541111
Ikot Efiong Etta541111
Ikot Ekpe541111
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Ikot Nakanda North

LocationPostal Code
Ikot Nya Nya541112
Ikot Okon Mma541112
Ikot Okor-Ekpenyong541112
Ikot Otu Namuso541112
Okon Idem541112
Okoro Oyo Ita541112
Akwa Ikot Eyo Edem541112
Ikot Mkpa541112
Ekpene Efion Eyo541112
Ikot Nakan de541112
Esine Ufot Ikot-Edet Nsa541112
Ikot Nkese541112
Esit Ikot541112
Esit Ikot Ede Nsa541112
Idebe Ikot Essen541112
Idebe Ikot Essien541112
Idebe Offiong-Umo541112
Ikot Akpandem541112
Ikot Anasua541112
Ikot Asikpo541112
Ikot Edem Mtifot541112
Ikot Efio Enang541112
Ikot Ekpo Essien541112
Ikot Ene Edet541112
Ikot Mbang541112
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About Author

I am a geography and urban planning enthusiast with extensive experience in Nigeria’s postal system. Thank you for joining me in simplifying the mailing process in Nigeria!