Garki Area 1 Postal Code (Zip Code) – Abuja (FCT)

Garki Area 1 is one of the bustling districts in Abuja, the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) of Nigeria. It’s home to various businesses, government offices, and residential areas. Having the correct postal code, also known as a zip code, is important for sending and receiving mail accurately in this vibrant area.

Garki is divided into 9 Areas, namely: Area 1, Area 2, Area 3, Area 7, Area 8, Area 9, Area 10, Area 11, and Garki Rurual Areas.

The postal code for Garki Area 1 is 900241. This unique code helps postal workers and delivery services navigate through the district, ensuring that your mail reaches the intended destination without any delays or confusion. Whether you’re sending a letter, parcel, or important document, using the correct postal code is crucial for smooth mail delivery.

Residents and businesses in Garki Area 1 rely on the postal code system to ensure efficient communication and logistics. By using the designated postal code, you can help streamline the delivery process and avoid any potential issues with misplaced or undelivered mail. So, whether you’re a local resident or a visitor, remember to use 900211 as the postal code for Garki Area 1 in Abuja (FCT).

Below is a list of streets you can find in Garki Area 1 with their postal codes:

Area 1, Garki zip code

Aladja Street900241
Auchi Street900241
Benue Crescent900241
Faskari Street900241
Ijero Street900241
Imo Crescent900241
Kano Street900241
Kaura Namoda Street900241
Lapai Street900241
Mashood Abiola Way900241
Nasarawa Street900241
Nnamdi Azikwe Ewy900241
Ondo Street900241
Oyo Street900241
Sokoto Street900241
Suleja Street900241
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About Author

I am a geography and urban planning enthusiast with extensive experience in Nigeria’s postal system. Thank you for joining me in simplifying the mailing process in Nigeria!

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